Thursday, August 9

Hi there,
Well today I know I'm getting a little behind with my work. Dont stress, but I am NOT having a repeat of last semester, its so depressing getting behind, so this weekend I'm going to (apart from taking the dog for walk and watching card captors dbz and pokemon) do alllll school work, and hopefully do a considerable amount of catching up. I haven't even had a chance to start yet today though, because I had to go into town and pick up my layby I've been paying off (yay) I was supposed to finish paying it off by cristmas, but dad gave me $40 for my mobile phone (because I hate mobile phones!!) and I payed it off! I guess you're wondering what was in it right?? My Jigglypuff Bag, a pikachu, meowth, eevee and Mew figurine set and a pikachu sholder wallet! So cute. They had a pokemon sale a while a go at toy world, I went to town at about 9am on the first day of the sale to layby it... and half of the cool things were GONE! Can you believe that? pokemon must be so popular in Geelong hey!But i still got the last Togepi that speaks. It was $15 reduced from $60, good bargain. My other Pikachu that laughs was a better buy though. I bought it at Pokemart ( and they imported it from Japan. It only cost me $30 which isnt bad at all!
Two more things : Today I got a Fluro Goku Dragon Ball Z disk (yay - James has the Gold one and I have the normal one, so we have them all now! Of Goku that is) and the other thing is, I rented Conkers Bad Fur day this week, but beause I got behind in my school work I haven't had much of a chance to play it. But I reckon it's a bit overated. Its a novelty to people who love to swear and be drunk, but for game players... it's just another Banjo and Kazooie!!

Monday, August 6

Hi again, well stupid me went and delted my english journal by accedent *grrr* I hope I can fix it... well yeah anyway...
Today I had tuna and cheese jaffel for breakfast. No! dont worry, im not mad... John used to work at a cafe.. and he made it so I copied him haha.
I'm kinda up in the air at the momment.. so il write a better entry tonight hehe!